Wednesday, March 25, 2009

That's My Mom!

I'm not allowed to talk about controvery after 8:00 p.m. EST but I took a chance and held a pop quiz at 9:01 p.m. EST and asked my mom the following: Would you go on TV and ask why lesbians why they don't date women who look like men?

My mother was so astounded by the stupidity that her head began to tilt under the weight of sheer stupidity. I forced her to high five me, gave her an A+ and a gold star and yelled, "THAT'S MY MOM! YOU'RE WAY SMARTER THAN OPRAH!"

As I scampered into the distance Mom said she'd always hoped to surpass Oprah.

Fun fact! Mom doesn't subscribe to O, and sometimes she brings it home for the library for recipes or the special feature (when it's about books).

Related articles:
Oprah Asks: If Lesbians Like Women, Why Do They Date Women Who Don't Look Like Women?, Jezabel (You can watch the video but have a drink handy)
O Magazine Discovers New Trend: Lesbians!, Jezabel
Why Women Are Leaving Men for Other Women, O (this is only safe for weekend drinking)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Octavia Spencer does a fantastic job of playing herself (Was this woman born middle aged?) but let's face it we love her anyway. I would love her to be my best friend, she's a hoot. happy death day film Michael Shannon (whom I remember from Take Shelter and Boardwalk Empire) plays a creepy bad guy in a way that makes me never want to have him around for Christmas lunch. Why does he always play someone sexually awkward? I pray we'll never find out.

I was most disappointed that unlike Pan's Labyrinth and some of the other films GDT has made it's not set in a fantastical different world. It's basically the 1950s cold war era in USA with no real pretense of being anything but. I was hoping for a magical realism, but other than the creature, there's no otherworldliness to it. devil's candy movie

I am a solid romantic, but I found the plot so saccharine that it made me feel nauseous. There is also a sudden musical number that almost had me running for the aisle, and my sister desperate to see my husband's face (He's allergic to musicals generally). Apart from this light relief, I couldn't wait to get out of there. watch Avengers Infinity War online free

I am pretty alone in this opinion, our party was split between 3 people who loved it, and my husband and I who hated it. Maybe if I hadn't seen other GDT films I would have liked it more. My husband also thought the trailer completely misrepresented what he expected from the film. So maybe we were in the wrong movie. But I think romance lovers won't like the art house element, and art house/GDT fans won't like this film. So I think commercially it will be hard to place.